Thursday 31 July 2014

Tips for Preparing Your Home for the Monsoon...

Preparing Your Home For The Monsoon

The monsoon showers has arrived and reduced the scorching heat. How many of us have made preparations for the arrival of monsoon in our homes? It is very important that you pay heed to the fixes and the damages which are to be done before the monsoon arrives. Monsoon in India runs from June to September. Preparing your home for monsoon is not only waterproofing your apartment or home but it is also the time to plunge into the decoration aspect.
Monsoon time can be a great time where nature comes alive in a landscape of cool, lush greenery. First step  for preparing your home for the monsoon is the prevention of water entering into living room and other rooms. It is also time to take safety measures from electrical appliances and wiring. Below are few steps;

             Tips for Preparing Your Home for the Monsoon

Monsoon in India lasts for a few months from June to September. Following are some important tips to consider while
preparing your home for the monsoon. 

Monsoon safety measures around your home:

  • Do not allow water stagnation around your home as this can lead to many diseases and can create chaos.
  • To avoid dampness, ensure that all the areas in the home are well ventilated. Ensure that various areas in your home are well ventilated by the fresh air.
  • Get a regular pest check-up done in order to increase the termite, ant and any other pest growth.
  • Make use of insecticides and organic chemicals to get rid of all the pests.
  • A regular check-up and up gradation of all the electrical equipments is important.
  • Clear all the water flowing areas and keep all the equipments dry and covered.
  • If you have indoor plants, keep them out in the rain so that they get watered naturally.
  • Children should be taught not to enter the room with soiled shoes. It is recommended to roll away the expensive carpet for the monsoon.
  • Perform regular pruning of the branches of a tree to avoid falling leaves and clogging of sewers. Clear your gutters to prepare them for the season.
  • Store the drinking water in case flooding contaminates the tap water.
  • Properly cover the joints and ensure quality wires for your household items. Proper earthing and separate fuse for each power board is essential.
  • Put Camphor in your cupboards, it takes away the moisture and protects your clothes. Neem leaves are also effective against silver fish, which are a common problem in the rainy season.

Monsoon safety measures for the skin of your house:

  • Ensure that there is no rain water seepage through the cracks in the exterior walls.
  • Make sure that there is no dampness in and around your home as the change in weather conditions leads to the expansion of brick based structures.
  • Before the monsoon starts, you should fill in and fix the cracks in the walls.
  • It is important that you always check for cracks in the terrace every six years to avoid the water seepage and dampness.Leaking roof is a common problem for individual homes. For apartment, leaks in wall or window side are a common problem. Monsoon Proof Windows with a Rain Track, Sill and Gradient Slope to block rainwater ensures that water coming at high speed flows out instead of coming indoors. It captures rainwater and drains it out.
  • Ensure that all the surfaces are clear from seepage as this can lead to the dampness of exterior walls. To avoid the surface cracks you can paint them every four months.
  • Always keep your rooftop free from the accumulation of waste as this can lead to an increased breeding of mosquitoes and also will make it possible for rainwater storage. This water can further seep into the roof.
  • Do not store non-recyclable materials on the terrace as this can increase the water accumulation and stop the water flow.

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